David Zimbeck, our lead developer, is unlike most people you
will ever meet. His resilient work ethic, diverse project experience, and deep knowledge of
cryptography has led to the creation of BitHalo, the world’s first unbreakable smart
contracting system. These decentralized contracts are the fundamental backbone of BitBay. Born in Ohio
and having lived all over the world, he has acquired the vast perspective needed to create truly
disruptive software.
David is completely self-taught, and intimately knows a hard-day’s work. He developed BitHalo’s first 50,000 lines of Python code single-handedly from scratch... all while working long, grueling shifts on the oil rigs of North Dakota. It was here that he executed his idea of double deposit escrow, bringing unbreakable peer-to-peer contracts into real-life agreements.
As a former world chess master, he also possesses a truly analytical mind. David has a keen understanding of cause and effect, and sees the importance of early decisions in any situation. This mentality, in addition to his innate honesty, perseverance, and self-discipline has driven him to position BitBay well beyond most other blockchain projects in terms of both development and security.
“Chess has helped me visualize code. It has helped me plan, memorize and problem solve. It has helped me anticipate problems well in advance.”
David now resides in Mexico, and continues to work round-the-clock to help keep BitBay on the forefront of blockchain development.
Achievements & experience
2018 - Management of BitBay’s strategic growth, including 6 other developers and 30+ global team members; continued development of dynamic peg, voting system, and templates
2017 - First design and release of BitBay’s user-friendly smart contract templates
2016 - Development of BitBay’s built-in security features such as steganography, cold-staking, anti-keylogger, and others
2015 - David took over BitBay, turning it into a community project
2014 - First release of BitHalo, the world’s first functional P2P smart contracting software
2014 - Began teaching himself the Python programming language… already having an understanding of C++, JavaScript, and others
2006 - Carried out a significant acting role as a core pirate in “Pirates of the Caribbean 2”, member of Screen Actors Guild, also featured in many commercials
2000 - Gained insight into escrow processes as a real estate Broker with 24/7 Real Estate and Nelson Shelton Brokerage
2000 - Former CEO of Digistar Films - A media production company
Defeated 10 chess grand masters at the age of 18 during a Paris tournament
Interviews and Media
YouTube interview with Crypto Beedles
YouTube Cryptolina Conference - BitHalo Presentation
YouTube Cryptolina Conference Debate with David Zimbeck, Vitalik Buterin, BitShares, and Store-J
Youtube interview with Pirate Radio
YouTube Antidote Interview
BitBay team interview with CryptoPulse - Podcast
Blockchain Developers Inc. - Article
Steemit Interview - Article
RadarZero Interview - Article